Education Equity Advisory Council
The Education Equity Advisory Council (EEAC) is designed to bring diverse perspectives to Saint Peter Schools decision making processes, to ensure a supportive environment for all, and to further educational equity in our community. Their role is to advise district leadership, staff and the School Board.
The Office of Education and Equity is dedicated to ensure that every student has the necessary resources and skills to succeed. We are committed to creating a welcoming environment that is designed to provide a safe and inclusive environment for all students.
Education Equity Advisory Council Members:
Chairperson: Rita Rassbach, (parent/guardian)
Buraq Ahmed (parent/guardian/staff)
Jeff Olson (Superintendent)
Kate Martens (Board member)
Bill Nelsen (Community member at large)
Maripsa Romero (parent/guardian/staff)
SkyAnne Sickler (parent/guardian)
Laura Zender (counselor/staff)
Stephanie Noble(educator/staff)
Regina Sirianni (counselor/staff)
Jon Graff (administrator)
John Warren (EquityCoordinator)
First Wednesday of the month: 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Saint Peter High School
Inclusion Center second floor Room D213
2121 Broadway, Saint Peter, MN 56082
Upcoming meetings:
April 2nd
May 7th