Saint Peter High School and Saint Peter Middle School choir director Brianna Bergstrom shared some recent exciting events and news. That update includes the following:
TREBLE FESTIVAL - On April 11th, the SPHS choir hosted Berstrom’s college choir director, Dr. Angela Kasper from Western Washington University for a treble festival! “The Bellas and Baby Bellas worked with her all morning and learned some amazing new songs and received feedback on songs we were working on,” Bergstrom said.
7TH/8TH GRADE HONOR CHOIR - On April 6th, seventh grader Asher Boyd (7th grader) participated in the MN 7/8th grade honor choir!
SPHS ALL STATE CHOIR HONORS - “We want to congratulate Rebekah Roemhildt and Gabe Zayas for being accepted into the 2024-2025 MN All State Choirs,” Bergstrom said. “Also congratulate Isabelle Mish and Sophia Brown who were selected as voice alternates.”
SPMS SPRING CHOIR CONCERTS - The SPMS 6th Grade Spring Concert is set for Monday, May 13, starting at 6 p.m. in the SPHS Performing Arts Center, while the 7th & 8th Grade Spring Concert will follow at around 7:30 p.m.
SPHS CHOIR’S POPS CONCERT - This year’s show will have the theme of “Mostly Motown”, and it is scheduled for Wednesday, May 15 at 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. There will be a special event prior to the concert starting at 5 p.m. in the SPHS Commons Area including food trucks, silent auction and open mic performances! Admission to the concert is $10.00 CASH OR VENMO.
SPHS students Rebekah Roemhildt (left) and Gabe Zayas (right) were recently accepted into the 2024-2025 MN All State Choirs.
SPMS seventh grader Asher Boyd (left) recently participated in the Minnesota 7th/8th grade honor choir!

SPHS & SPMS choirs have some exciting things going on!
April 29, 2024