New staff at Saint Peter Public Schools for 2024-25 took part in two days of workshops earlier this week. Current teaching staff who led this year’s new staff workshop included Kris Voeltz (SPHS), Kris Koehler Sandborg (SPMS), Shannon Guimond (North Elementary), and Tressa Gruenzner (South Elementary).
(PICTURED ABOVE) New staff at Saint Peter Public Schools for the 2024-25 school year includes: front row (l to r), Kacey Russell, Jody Fischenich, Colleen Wenner, Allison Ellingson, Lexi Kreutzian; back row, Shari Karlsrud, Alyssa Weller, Joey Brown, Shelby Glover, Caryl Bunkowske, and Maggie Anderson.
Most of these new staff members are replacing previous staff who either retired or moved on to different jobs outside of SPPS.
New staff members (and their title/subject) for the 2024-25 school year includes:
Saint Peter High School - Shari Karlsrud (Dean of Students), Caryl Bunkowske (FACS).
Saint Peter Middle School - Shelby Glover (science), Allison Ellingson (art), Maggie Anderson (Science), Kacey Russell (Math).
North Elementary - Lexi Kreutzian (speech/language), Alyssa Weller (3rd grade SLD Special Education).
South Elementary - Jody Fischenich (school nurse).
Early Childhood Center - Colleen Wenner (preschool).
Oshawa Learning Center - Joey Brown.
South Elementary will also have three long-term substitute teachers filling in for staff who will be on leave to start the year. Those long-term substitutes (and the teacher they are filling in for) include Katherine Rieck (Karissa Minks), Kylee Yang (Kim Osborne), and Abby Alderman (Mariah Eyler).
The entire SPPS staff kicks off the 2024-25 school year with the annual Back to School Workshop starting on Monday, Aug. 19 through Thursday, Aug. 22.
Saint Peter High School (gr. 9-12) students and staff return to classes on Monday, Aug. 26 while the rest of the schools (K-8) begin the new school year on Wednesday, Aug. 28.

SPPS hosts new staff workshop; entire staff back on Monday
August 16, 2024