Through a generous donation from the Mankato Elks Lodge #225, several Saint Peter Public School students at South Elementary, North Elementary and Saint Peter Middle School recently received backpacks filled with much-needed school supplies. A total of 45 backpacks in all were donated (five per grade for grades K-8) by the group.
Tabitha Melvin, the Leading Knight from the Mankato Elks Lodge, stopped by each of the three buildings to drop off the supplies on Wednesday, Aug. 28.
“Every year we write grants to the Elks National Foundation to get money to help in our communities,” Melvin said. “The grant this year was called a Beacon Grant and we were approved for $4,000. It was to be utilized for students transitioning to school mid-year or those that did not have one on the first day of classes.
“Ann MacGregor and I are the chairs of this grant and Ann did such an amazing job shopping that we had an additional $1,500-ish to purchase more items that are in need. We chose Saint Peter Schools because of the need in the community and we wanted to make sure we reached more communities other than just Mankato.
“Mankato Elks has two main missions: to help local veterans and to help at-risk youth. I have been an active member for almost seven years now and it melts my heart to know the impact we make in the lives of these young children.”
Community Investment Grants are applied for with the Elks National Foundation, and the Mankato Elks Lodge #225 qualified due to its members meeting the Grand Exalted Rulers goal of at least a $4.80 per member donation to the foundation.
“The return on investment is a no brainer for our organization and it benefits our communities we serve,” Carie Becker, Mankato Elks Lodge #225 Treasurer, said. “The Beacon Grant has been received since 2016 and has been utilized for this specific project on an annual basis. We received $6,000 this year and dedicated $4,000 to Saint Peter Public Schools, with the remaining touching organizations in need in Mankato.”
Shown above and below are some photos of Tabitha Melvin of the Mankato Elks Lodge #225 dropping off those backpacks with supplies with SPPS staff at each of the three buildings.

Mankato Elks Club #225 donates 45 backpacks of supplies to SPPS
August 30, 2024